
Botulism is a severe food intoxication that occurs when consuming products containing botulinum toxin.

Botulinum toxin is one of the most powerful poisons known to mankind.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, on average, about 200 people suffer from botulism every year. This disease is so dangerous that it can lead to death.

The most common cause of botulism is the consumption of home-canned foods contaminated with spores of the pathogen:

What products can be classified as “risky”?

  • Homemade canned mushrooms, vegetables, fruits, meat and poultry, including pates.
  • Salted, smoked and dried fish. 
  • Pork lard.
  • Factory-made canned food with signs of a “bombed can” (swelling of the bottom).
  • Honey

From June 17 to June 23, awareness week physical activity.

The main and most important component of health World Organization

health called constant physical activity. The chief physician of the Murom Center for Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine, E. S. ZUDINA, will tell you how important and necessary it is:

— The famous French doctor Tissot expressed himself very figuratively about

what is the source of health: “Movement is the main source of health, movements can replace all the medicines in the world, while all kinds of medicines taken together can never replace movements.”

Passing the GTO standards

On April 19, with the support of the Clinical Hospital “Russian Railways - Medicine” in Murom”, as well as the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports, a sports event “Passing the GTO standards” was held at the “Stadium named after. N.F. Gastello" among health care facilities in Murom District.
Employees of the Murom Center for Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine took an active part in this event and demonstrated by personal example how important it is for a person to lead a healthy lifestyle, showing good results, incredible endurance and fortitude!
This unforgettable event passed on a positive note, all participants were satisfied. The chief physician of the Clinical Hospital "Russian Railways - Medicine" in Murom, S. N. Krainov, presented diplomas and valuable gifts to all participants. We thank the organizers of this event! We will be glad to participate again.

April 7 - World Health Day - a holiday of a healthy nation!

Health is a value that nature has endowed a person with. It is on him that physical and moral condition, performance and the ability to simply enjoy life depend. But in conditions of eternal lack of time, stress, lack of movement, and careless attitude towards one’s nutrition, a person thoughtlessly wastes his potential. The environmental situation, economic instability and health problems add negative notes to this list. To focus attention on the health problems of humanity, the Health Day holiday was created.


Оценить условия оказания услуг:
✅ Комфорт и чистота помещений
✅ Доброжелательность и вежливость персонала
✅ Легкость получения информации о работе организации и ее точность
✅ Удобство записи для получения услуги и своевременность ее оказания
✅ Доступность для граждан с инвалидностью
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  • Яндекс.Метрика