
Prediabetes is a condition characterized by elevated blood sugar levels that do not reach the level that corresponds to a diagnosis of diabetes.

If you have been diagnosed with prediabetes, the long-term consequences of type 2 diabetes may have already begun to form, especially with regard to damage to the blood vessels of the heart and kidneys.

The transition from prediabetes to type 2 diabetes can be prevented!

Causes of prediabetes:

To date, no specific cause of prediabetes has been established.

It is known that previously diagnosed cases of type 2 diabetes in close relatives play a key role.

There are many different risk factors that can lead to increased blood glucose:

1. Body weight
2. Waist circumference
3. Nutrition
4. Low physical activity.
5. Previously diagnosed gestational diabetes.
6. Polycystic ovary syndrome.
7. Sleep
8. Smoking

When to see a doctor

See your doctor if you notice an increase in venous blood glucose over 6.1 mmol/L and/or signs of type 2 diabetes.

Classic signs and symptoms that indicate type 2 diabetes include:

-increased thirst,
-frequent urination,
-increased hunger,
-blurred vision,
-numbness or tingling in the legs or arms,
-frequent infections,
-slow-healing ulcers,
-unintentional weight loss.

For more detailed information, please follow the link:

You can also find information on type 1 diabetes on the official portal of the Russian Ministry of Health:

And type 2 diabetes:


October 29 — World Stroke Day

October 29 — World Stroke Day

Every year on October 29, the world celebrates World Stroke Day to draw attention to the seriousness of the disease and the importance of its early diagnosis.

✅On the official portal of the Russian Ministry of Health about your health you can learn in detail about the causes of stroke, methods of its prevention and diagnosis

🔹Stroke is an acute cerebrovascular accident that leads to damage and death of nerve cells.

✅By the nature of the pathological process, there are two main types of stroke:

1. Ischemic stroke or cerebral infarction

2. Hemorrhagic stroke or intracerebral hemorrhage

Stroke symptoms depend on the location and volume of the affected area of ​​the brain.

❕Stroke can have serious and long-term health consequences, including:
📌Secondary complications: secondary infection, thrombosis, depression.
📌Disability: limited motor activity, paralysis, speech and cognitive impairment, limited ability to work
📌Increased risk of recurrent stroke

❗️Stroke prevention includes risk factor control and a healthy lifestyle. Although stroke can lead to disability and decreased quality of life, modern diagnostic and treatment methods can effectively combat this disease and prevent its negative consequences.

For more information, follow the link:


Blackout Catcher: From Fun to Oblivion

Blackout Catcher: From Fun to Oblivion

A blackout is an alcoholic amnesia, in which part of your day seems to be erased from your memory. Sometimes such “forgetfulness” can become a funny fact of life.

But more often there are more tragic consequences.

“Accident” in the brain

The word “blackout” came to us from the energy sphere — this is what they call a power outage due to a disaster or natural cataclysm.

Approximately the same principle applies to the “switching off” of our memory as a result of alcohol intoxication.

Blackout is not funny

Even a single case of alcoholic amnesia can be accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms the next day, such as:

· disorientation in space and time;
· a feeling of complete helplessness;
· increased anxiety and aggression;
· bad mood;
· weakness in the body;
· fear due to the inability to restore the picture of the evening;
· feelings of shame and guilt.

Remember everything!

Any disturbances in the brain cannot be ignored.

Including blackout. Even after a single case of memory loss, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

More detailed information can be found on the portal of the Ministry of Health of Russia about your health:


October 10. World Mental Health Day.

October 10. World Mental Health Day.

The Official Portal of the Ministry of Health of Russia about your health has useful information on how to cope with anxiety.

Many things in life can go wrong, causing us fear and discomfort.

If you are in a state of constant stress for too long, it can become chronic, and this will affect your well-being.

It is impossible to completely get rid of stress in our lives, but we can try to resist it, adapt to it, thereby becoming the best version of ourselves.

First, it is worth dividing anxiety into two types:
✅situational (depending on the context and being temporary)
✅personal (manifests itself as a character trait of a person).

! Situational anxiety is the norm. A person's adaptive ability, which has formed through evolution.

! Personal anxiety is a constant condition in which a person is under stress for a long time.

🟢The feeling of anxiety can be relieved using several methods:

- Switching attention from the object of anxiety
- Light cardio exercise
- Eating foods rich in tryptophan and Omega-3

These three simple tips can help you take control of your emotions.

❕Never forget to monitor your mental health and at the first symptoms of an anxiety disorder, immediately contact a specialist.




With age, all internal systems change:
• bones and joints lose flexibility,
• heart and vascular tissues become more rigid,
• production of some hormones decreases,
• immunity weakens,
• atrophic processes develop in various organs and tissues.

- How to maintain health and activity if you are over 75?

- Is there a universal recipe for happy longevity?

The official portal of the Ministry of Health of Russia contains tips and recommendations that everyone can follow.

! They help maintain strength, health and lead an active lifestyle as long as possible.


September 29. World Heart Day.

29 сентября. Всемирный день сердца.

На официальном портале Минздрава России можно подробнее ознакомится с заболеваниями сердца и не только. А также найти для себя и своего здоровья много полезной информации.

Поговорим о фибрилляции и трепетании предсердий

Фибрилляция и трепетание предсердий (мерцательная аритмия) являются распространенными видами нарушения ритма сердца, которые могут привести к серьезным осложнениям и ухудшению качества жизни человека.

Причины развития:

Фибрилляция и трепетание предсердий развиваются вследствие нарушений электрической системы сердца и ее нестабильности.

Клиническая картина:

Наиболее часто пациенты предъявляют жалобы на:
* ощущения сердцебиения или трепетания в груди,
* слабость,
* одышку,
* снижение переносимости физических нагрузок,
* тяжесть в грудной клетке,
* головокружения.

Течение фибрилляции и трепетания предсердий может сопровождаться развитием таких грозных осложнений как:

-Сердечная недостаточность
-Хроническая усталость и ухудшение качества жизни

Фибрилляция и трепетание предсердий являются наиболее распространенными аритмиями в клинической практике.

Они оказывают существенное влияние на качество жизни пациентов и характеризуются высоким риском таких осложнений как ишемический инсульт и сердечная недостаточность.

Ранняя диагностика и своевременное начало лечения играют ключевую роль в профилактике осложнений, ассоциированных с фибрилляцией и трепетанием предсердий.


Official portal of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Official portal of the Ministry of Health of Russia
about your health ""

What is a medical examination and preventive medical examination?

⚪A preventive medical examination is a basic examination that is carried out annually, starting from the age of 18, for the purpose of early detection of conditions, diseases and risk factors for their development.

A medical examination is a broader set of measures, which consists of two stages and includes a preventive medical examination and additional examination methods, including screening measures to detect malignant neoplasms.

❕A medical examination is carried out once every 3 years if the age corresponds to the period of 18-39 years, and from the age of 40 - annually.

❕To undergo a medical examination and preventive medical examination, you must have a passport and a compulsory medical insurance policy with you and contact the clinic where you receive primary health care (to which you are attached).

❓How to sign up for a medical examination or preventive examination

🟢To undergo an examination, you can call the clinic's call center, sign up on the website of state services of the Russian Federation, or contact the reception of the clinic to which you are attached.

❓How is a medical examination (preventive examination) carried out

🟢Fill out the necessary documents

🟢Take a questionnaire

🟢Prepare for examinations

- Most examinations do not require preparation. But there are a number of activities that you need to prepare for in order to obtain the most accurate result.

🟢Undergo a preventive medical examination or medical examination

- An individual examination plan is drawn up for each patient, which is based on gender, age, and the results of the questionnaire. The final list of examinations is compiled by a specialist.

🟢Come to see a general practitioner

🟢Upon completion of the examination, you must undergo an examination (consultation) with a general practitioner, who will:
- study the completed questionnaire;
- will study the results of the laboratory and instrumental studies;
- will conduct an examination, including a visual one, in order to identify suspected oncological diseases of the skin and mucous membranes;
- will assign a health group;
- if necessary, will refer to the second stage of medical examination or additional examination, including the necessary treatment;
- if diseases are detected, the specialist can put on dispensary observation in order to monitor the course of the identified disease;
- will conduct preventive counseling regarding the identified risk factors;
will determine the advisability of undergoing medical rehabilitation and referral to spa treatment.

🟢If there are indications, undergo the second stage of medical examination or additional examination

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